2021 Florida Data Science for Social Good Application Webinar
Mar 04, 2021 12:00PM—1:30PM
Cost 0.0
Event Contact Anna McDaniel-Wyatt | Email
Categories Organizational Learning and Measurement
The FL-DSSG program blends data science and technology design to inform and solve important wicked social problems using data-informed approaches while creating educational programs for aspiring data scientists. This webinar is for nonprofits and government agencies who are interested in submitting a project proposal for the 2021 DSSG summer program.
The Summer 2021 DSSG Community Partner Project Application is currently available. Interested applicants should review the online application prior to the webinar. Project Partner applications are due by March 19th, 5 PM.
Co-hosted with Dr. Dan Richard and Dr. Karthikeyan Umapathy.