
Partner Membership

Businesses, consultants, and individuals that are interested in supporting the Northeast Florida nonprofit sector are invited to become Partner Members of the Nonprofit Center. Membership signals a commitment to building a thriving, collaborative nonprofit sector and Northeast Florida region. As a Partner of the Nonprofit Center, you have access to the Nonprofit Center resources and benefits listed below.

Please note that individuals who work for a 501(c)3 organization are not eligible to be Partners.

Select the Partner Member level that best fits your business or personal philanthropic goals.

Partner Membership Levels

Champion $1,000
Advocate $500
Collaborator $300

Partner Membership Benefits

Access to Nonprofit Center online resources and library X X X
Access to workshops and trainings X X X
Invitation to All-Member events X X X
Subscription to NUGGETS monthly e-newsletter (max #) 5 3 2
Listed in Partner Member Directory on website X X X
Deals listed on Partner Promotions page on website X X
Partner Spotlight in NUGGETS e-newsletter (once annually) X
Spotlight blog article on, shared via social media X
Partner acknowledgement at a Nonprofit Center event X
Invite to Nonprofit Center's annual Partners & Supporters Briefing X

Need more details before signing up? Please email Rebecca Milligan, Membership Director, or call 904-425-1831.

Find a list of our current Partner Members here.