Grant Writing: Research Methods & Proposal Practice

Apr 29, 2020 9:00AM—12:00PM


This event will be held virtually only. You will receive additional instructions once you complete your registration.

Cost $50 for members; $90 for non-members

Event Contact Callan Brown | Email

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** This event is part of the 2020 Grants Mini-Series, to register for the full series, please click here

Understanding how to become successful in grant writing and research can expand your funding streams that support your programs. This session is designed for the intermediate level grant writer interested in learning how to research, organize and draft successful proposals. The facilitator will review the elements of a proposal, explain how to integrate each into a grant, and discuss the process for conducting successful grant research.

Portrait of presenter Angela Strain

Join Angela Strain, GPC, Executive Director of We Care Jacksonville, who will lead this hands-on session!