The State of the Sector addresses the health of the nonprofit sector, not only in terms of finances but in the mix of organizations, both old and new with a variety of missions that reflect the community’s culture. The 2025 version of the State of the Sector Report is the most comprehensive yet, finding through analysis of IRS 990 data, four years after the COVID-19 Pandemic upended community institutions in Florida and across the country, the nonprofit sector in Northeast Florida is surprisingly strong.
For the first time, the 2025 State of the Sector contains information about the human side of our First Coast nonprofit organizations. This report contains analysis from Demographics via Candid data. Demographics via Candid allows nonprofits to share vital demographic information about their organizations on their Candid profile. We analyzed that data and provided information on the diversity of nonprofit Board of Directors and employees on the First Coast.
Purpose: Provide an overview of the nonprofit sector’s health, including financial stability, revenue trends, and funding sources.
Growth of the sector: 7% increase in nonprofits since the last studyFinancial health: 12% increase in contributions, 86% rise in government support
Impact of economic shifts on nonprofit stability
Read the full report here:
The State of the Sector report was prepared by KBT & Associates, Jacksonville, Florida. The report is funded by the Nonprofit Center’s Rena Coughlin Research Fund, a tribute to the long-time CEO and established to honor her pioneering work using research to drive programming, community engagement and action.
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