Bridging the Sector – February 12, 2025
This weekly newsletter is your connection to vital information and resources for navigating local, state, and federal government developments that affect the Northeast Florida nonprofit sector. By curating resources from trusted organizations, you’ll be connected to the reliable information you need to make informed decisions for your organization and the communities you serve. |
Calls to Action: |
Executive Actions Impact Survey: In the early days of his administration, President Trump issued dozens of Executive Orders with wide-ranging effects. Florida Nonprofit Alliance (FNA) and the Nonprofit Center of Northeast Florida invite nonprofits to share the impacts of these executive actions on their work. COMPLETE SURVEY | Bridging the Sector Convening | February 21, 10-10:30AM Join us for a weekly, 30-minute call where we will be joined by local and national leaders as we discuss local, state, and national government developments. They will share perspectives, information, and guidance to help you navigate the changing landscape. REGISTER HERE |
Federal Resources |
List of Terms Under Federal Review Nonprofits that receive federal funding are reporting that federal officials have begun contacting them and requesting that specific language be removed from their public communications. Due to the delicate nature of this work, we can’t disclose the original source of this information. We encourage every organization to perform their own risk assessment and determine how to proceed. ACCESS HERE |
Candid: How reliant are nonprofits on government grants? Recent developments around an Office of Management and Budget memorandum to freeze federal grants and loans has put the nonprofit sector in the spotlight. But just how many nonprofits receive government grants? And how big a role do government grants play in the nonprofit sector? READ HERE | National Council of Nonprofits: Statement on White House Memorandum for the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies “Let’s be clear: the security, prosperity, and safety of the American people that the Memorandum expresses concern about are enhanced by the work of nonprofits and NGOs. Removing this vital funding or dismantling these organizations will not just diminish the United States here at home and around the world, it will cost lives.” READ HERE |
State Resources |
Florida Nonprofit Alliance: Gathering of Organizations Affected by Executive Orders For FNA members: If your organization is affected by an Executive Order or is likely to be affected by changing government actions, please join us for a gathering. We’ll share the most up-to-date information we know and hear from you on what you need and what you are doing. REGISTER HERE | Florida Policy Institute: Public Policy Advocacy Toolkit Non-profit volunteers, staff and boards are the most effective advocates for public policies that advance their organizations’ missions. Nonprofits can and should inform their elected officials about their work and have the right to lobby for or against legislation within parameters. This toolkit provides helpful guidance on how to begin your advocacy work. ACCESS HERE |
Local Resources |
City Council Neighborhoods, Community Services, Public Health & Safety Committee| February 18, 9:30AM The Neighborhoods, Community Services, Public Health and Safety Committee shall consider matters relating to parks; recreation; public housing; affordable housing; farms; forestry; fish and game; zoo. The public is invited to attend this meeting. CLICK HERE |
Resources for Funders |
Chronicle of Philanthropy: Foundations Remain Largely Mute as Nonprofits Face Slashed Federal Funding Amid a foreign aid shutdown, the threat of a federal funding freeze, and the imminent firing of thousands of federal workers who oversee the delivery of humanitarian aid, nonprofit leaders are begging funders to step in with additional resources and tap the trillions of dollars they hold in endowments and cash reserves. But private foundations have been slow to respond. READ MORE |
Nonprofit Center Events & Resources |
The Nonprofit Center is committed to developing and delivering programming and resources that help organizations strengthen their infrastructure and sustain their impact. To see a full list of our programs and resources visit our website at 2025 All Member Gathering | February 14, 11:30AM Housing & Neighborhoods, Catalyst Convening | February 19, 9AM CEO Confidential | February 20, 9AM Resources for Scenario Planning & Disaster Preparedness Nonprofit Center Advocacy Center |