
Welcome new nonprofit leaders!

July 6, 2021

The Nonprofit Center features local nonprofit leaders in a blog series called First Person. This month, we are sending a big welcome to the newest leaders of some of our local nonprofits. We hope you will take every opportunity to reach out and connect with these fine people and offer them support and partnership! The…

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First Person – Chatting about Resilience with CEO Eric Mann

May 31, 2021

The Nonprofit Center features local nonprofit leaders in a blog series called First Person. We asked YMCA of Florida’s First Coast CEO Eric Mann to talk to us about the past year, sharing his perspective on leading, adapting, and caring for people and an organization through extraordinary times. His thoughts and experiences will ring true for…

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First Person – Advocacy lessons with CEO Susan King

April 5, 2021
A photo of the interior of the Feeding Northeast Florida warehouse. There are 5 tables arranged in an upside-down U formation, with Vice President Harris at the head of the table. From bottom left to right, Susan King, Audrey Gibson, Al Lawson, Vice President Harris, Nikki Fried, Garrett Dennis, and Dr. Diana Greene are pictured.

First Person is a blog series hosted by the Nonprofit Center of Northeast Florida. Through the series, The Nonprofit Center will explore different aspects of nonprofit leadership in the words of nonprofit staff across the region. Through an informal conversation with Rena Coughlin, CEO of the Nonprofit Center, leaders share their insights on key skills…

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The Concerns Keeping Nonprofit Leaders Awake at Night

March 2, 2021
Repositioning For Strength Infographic describing the impact of nonprofits in Northeast Florida. 46% have experienced an increase in demand for services, 32% have lost revenue due to decreased demand for services, 9 in 10 have received some form of COVID-19 financial assistance, 21% had to cut hours or lay off staff, 2 in 3 lost revenue due to cancelled events, one third reported difficulty operating in a virtual environment, 2 in 5 nonprofit leaders say “staying solvent through 2021” keeps them up at night. A graph depicts predicted revenue change across organizations in 2020, with all organizations predicting a 15% revenue loss, orgs with budgets under 1 Million dollars predicting a 25% revenue loss, and orgs with budgets over 1 Million dollars predicting a 3% loss.

“I’m worried about my staff; I think we’re all tired and that COVID fatigue is setting in.” “I’m grateful for the opportunities I’ve had to collaborate with other nonprofit leaders to create new ways to serve our communities and I want to know how we can keep it going.” “I wish more emergency funding sources…

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Happy Valentine’s Day from the Nonprofit Center

February 14, 2021
A view of the crowd at the 2020 All-Member Gathering as seen from the second floor of the Jessie Ball Dupont Center

Dear Nonprofit Leaders,  February is usually a festive month at the Nonprofit Center as we host our annual All-Member Gathering. In the past (or in the Before Times as our staff is now fond of saying), this event brought together nonprofit staff and board members from across the sector for a time of gratitude, networking,…

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Nonprofit Advocacy Priorities for 2021

February 2, 2021

One word I keep coming back to in 2021 is gratitude. I am immensely grateful to the hundreds of nonprofit organizations across our region who continue to find ways to innovate and serve their constituents every day. According to our latest COVID-19 research, more than 70% of local nonprofits have remained fully operational and continued…

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New Year, Renewed Focus on Advocacy Strategies

January 5, 2021

Happy New Year! In 2021, the Nonprofit Center is bringing you more resources,  continuing to prioritize DEI-centered training, and creating new opportunities for your organization to hone its advocacy skills. Among the many lessons we’re taking from this disruptive time is the need for us to boldly tell the story of the pandemic’s impact on…

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Thank You From the Nonprofit Center

November 30, 2020

Dear Nonprofit Center Constituent, From everyone at the Nonprofit Center, Thank You. This year has presented many challenges for each of our organizations, and created acute difficulties for many of us as individuals. From systemic inequities exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, to the renewed energy and focus on racial justice in our communities, it feels…

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Meet our first class of Nonprofit Center Board Service Fellows!

November 23, 2020

The Nonprofit Center is pleased to announce the placement of twelve diverse community leaders as a part of the inaugural cohort of the Nonprofit Center Board Service Fellowship.

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Election Day 2020 – Nonprofit Advocacy

November 3, 2020

Today is election day across the United States, and millions of voters are casting their first votes, or continuing their personal tradition of political participation. From get out the vote text campaigns to ubiquitous political ads and content across virtually every media format, election news and information is everywhere. Nonprofits have a crucial role to play in this ecosystem too.

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