Beyond Boundaries (3)

Beyond Boundaries Summit

This groundbreaking event will gather leaders from across the nonprofit sector to explore and examine how inclusive HR practices can be a powerful catalyst for necessary innovation. Throughout the half-day event, participants will explore the essential connections between equity, inclusion, and organizational health. Sessions will be rooted in accessible action, equipping attendees with realistic approaches for implementing equitable HR policies and organizational strategies.

Featuring 5 dynamic breakout sessions, topics will range from fair compensation strategies to developing equity-based board strategies. Attendees will gain the practical tools that can be implemented immediately to enhance each organization’s ability to support it’s human capital while meeting it’s mission. Join us for this important conversation about the future of the nonprofit sector’s workforce and our ability to support it.


Pricing & Location

Nonprofit Center Members - $50

Non-Member Rate - $75

Group Rate - Use code Beyond2024 to register 3 or more people and receive 20% off!

October 18, 2024
8:30 AM to 12:30 PM
4800 Deerwood Campus Pkwy
Jacksonville, FL 32246

Conference Center map

Summit Agenda

8am: Registration opens

8:30-9am: Breakfast and keynote address

9:15-10:15am: Breakout sessions 1

  • Understanding the Landscape of Representation in Development and Fundraising
  • Driving Business Growth and Innovation: Best Practices for Equitable Pay, Promotion, and Opportunity in the Workplace
  • Seize the Data!

10:20-11:20am: Breakout sessions 2

  • Equity Through Alliances: Strategic Partnerships for Sustainable Impact
  • The Trust-Centered Strategic Engagement Model: What Boards Can Do to Embed Equity in Strategic Planning and Evaluation

11:30am-12:30pm: Lunch and Funder Panel

12:30pm: End of Day

Keynote Speaker: Dr. Parvez Ahmed

Our keynote speaker is Dr. Parvez Ahmed, Chief of Diversity and Inclusion, City of Jacksonville, Office of the Mayor. He was previously professor of finance and former Director of Diversity and Inclusion for the Coggin College of Business, University of North Florida (UNF). He was also the Director of Graduate Programs at the Coggin College of Business, UNF and the founding director at UNF's Center for Sustainable Business Practices. In 2009 he was named a U.S. Fulbright Scholar. Prior to joining UNF he taught at Penn State University in Harrisburg and University of North Carolina at Charlotte where he also served as the founding Faculty Advisor for the Student Managed Investment Fund. At PSU he was also the Associate Director of the Giant Food Center for Economic Development. He has led student study abroad programs to London, Paris, Turkey and Egypt. His research work has appeared in several major finance journals such as the Journal of Portfolio ManagementFinancial ManagementJournal of Banking and FinanceJournal of Investing, and Financial Review. In addition his papers have been published in Applied Economic LettersGlobal Business and Finance ReviewInternational Review of EconomicsManagerial FinanceJournal of Wealth Management, and Journal of Alternative Investments. He coauthored a book titled, “Mutual Funds – Fifty Years of Research Findings.” The book is published by Springer. He also published an article in the Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law. He was 2-term member of Jacksonville’s Human Rights Commission. He also serves on the boards of Museum of Science and History, and was previously on the board of the World Affairs Council of Jacksonville. In 2010 Folio Weekly named him “Person of the Year.” In 2014 he was awarded the Silver Medallion Humanitarian Award by OneJax. In 2015 he was named Arthur Vining Davis Fellow to the Aspen Ideas Festival. In addition Dr. Ahmed writes editorials about Islam and the American Muslim experience.

Conference Breakout Sessions

Seize the Data!

presented by ReGina Newkirk Rucci, Director of Equity at 904WARD

You've set goals, things are improving, but how do you know if you're really doing as well as you think you are?  In this session, we will talk about beginning with the end in mind, building a data-informed and data-driven system that will allow you to know exactly where you are, where you need to go, and identify some obstacles on the road there.  From your mission to your staff to your clientele, you need to know you are doing what you set out to do.  This session will show you how to embrace data so that it can help you create the culture and the organization you want.

Driving Business Growth and Innovation: Best Practices for Equitable Pay, Promotion, and Opportunity in the Workplace 

presented by Elizabeth Charron & Michelle Charron Hollie of HRPeopleCoach

Join us for an in-depth look at addressing disparities in pay, promotion, and opportunity within nonprofit organizations. This presentation aims to uncover the root causes of these inequities specific to nonprofits, examine the impact of both conscious and unconscious biases, and provide actionable strategies to effectively mitigate these issues.

Understanding the Landscape of Representation in Development and Fundraising

presented by Ashanta Williamson and Charmion Thrasher of Ashanta Williamson & Company

This workshop offers a comprehensive exploration of the crucial role representation plays in development and fundraising. Attendees will examine how diverse representation influences donor engagement, resource allocation, and program effectiveness. Participants can expect to gain insights into fostering inclusive practices that drive sustainable impact and financial stability within their organizations. This session aims to equip fundraising professionals with actionable strategies and insights to enhance development efforts through a lens of inclusivity and equity.

Equity Through Alliances: Strategic Partnerships for Sustainable Impact

presented by Kierra McCrary, Founder & CEO of Kultivate Strategies

This workshop explores the role of equity in organizational success and the critical importance of strategic partnerships in advancing equitable practices. Participants will learn how to identify potential partners whose goals align with their own equity objectives, using specific criteria and effective tools for outreach. The session will then delve into best practices for forming and nurturing partnerships that are both equitable and impactful, with strategies for fostering collaboration and mutual benefit. Next, attendees will discover approaches for integrating equity into their partnership planning and activities, supported by real-world examples of successful equity-driven alliances. The workshop will cover tools for measuring the impact of these partnerships on equity goals, ensuring that participants can assess and sustain the benefits over time. Additionally, the session will explore how these equitable partnerships can positively impact staff morale and organizational health by fostering an inclusive culture and providing diverse growth opportunities. Finally, through collaborative exercises, participants will develop actionable plans to implement equitable partnerships within their own organizations, ensuring long-term, sustainable impact.

The Trust-Centered Strategic Engagement Model: What Boards Can Do to Embed Equity in Strategic Planning and Evaluation 

presented by Dr. Joy Hervey, Principal Consultant of Genesis Ed Solutions

This session uses The Trust-Centered Strategic Engagement Modelⓒ to unpack the board's role in advancing equity. This model -- developed by Genesis Ed Solutions based on the firm's 25+ years of building organizational capacity in the nonprofit, education, and public service sectors -- provides organizations with missions rooted in community transformation with a framework for equitable and effective practice. By holding themselves and their executive leadership accountable for building aligned systems, effectively connecting with stakeholders, reporting on both processes and outcomes, and evaluating with a view to continuous improvement, boards can help ensure equitable impact of their organizations' work. Participants will explore the framework's guiding principles, then engage in learning and reflection around how its four strategic priorities -- Build, Connect, Report, and Evaluate -- can powerfully operationalize equity, particularly when applied to the board's work of developing strategic plans and assessing the progress and impact of those plans. 

To view each session click on the dots above. 

This program is generously supported by a grant from the Florida Blue Foundation.