Commitment to Diversity Equity & Inclusion

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The Nonprofit Center of Northeast Florida believes that diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) make us a better and stronger organization. We are committed to fostering a work environment where DEI strategy is fully integrated into our values, our programs and services, ensuring that we are actively breaking down barriers that limit access to resources, learning and belonging and lifting up the assets that contribute to a fully inclusive workplace. To achieve our vision of a vibrant, inclusive Northeast Florida, the Nonprofit Center acknowledges that it and the nonprofit sector have not always been leaders in dismantling systemic issues and, in some ways, have enabled inequitable systems. We are no longer satisfied with the status quo. This statement is the latest step in a process that we commit to being publicly accountable for.

The Nonprofit Center is on a journey to advance racial equity by being an inclusive leader in the nonprofit sector, acting with intention, and engaging and supporting diverse individuals. We celebrate the characteristics that make us unique individuals including genetic information, race, color, religion, age, sex, disability, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, marital status, national origin, or veteran status. The Nonprofit Center’s organizational values are furthered and expanded upon by our commitment to putting equity at the center of our work

  • Excellence: We strive for excellence in service, in the products we create or promote, and in honoring our community relationships. We know and understand that our work cannot be of the best quality if it does not include all voices at the table and recognize the significance of DEI — especially racial equity — in the work of the nonprofit sector.
  • Leadership: We promote and elevate the diverse and powerful leaders in the nonprofit sector, hold ourselves and our partners accountable for actions that are counter to our values, and exhibit transparent leadership in our role as the voice of the sector.
  • Unafraid: We are bold when we make decisions - about services, programs, and policies - so the nonprofit community can experience and learn from new, challenging, and cutting-edge practices. We are not afraid to identify and confront oppression in the nonprofit sector and within our own organization, even when it makes us or those around us uncomfortable.
  • Reflective: We take time to reflect and evaluate on the programming, processes, and structure of the Nonprofit Center, including how they affect and are affected by issues of DEI. We celebrate when appropriate and change when needed.
  • Welcoming: As a membership organization and community resource, we embrace all people and listen to diverse perspectives. We recognize that the greatest asset of any nonprofit is the people — staff, board, and volunteers — who do the hard work of social change. We take joy in creating an environment where people feel welcomed and included.

The Nonprofit Center recognizes and values the reputation we have in the nonprofit sector for convening, for conducting research that improves the sector, and for advocating for what we know is right. We are dedicated to leveraging our reputation and resources to create a more equitable sector that not only understands the importance of DEI in our work, but also leads the way as catalysts for change.