In an ever-changing world, nonprofits must be prepared for the unexpected. The Nonprofit Center of Northeast Florida offers a collection of resources to help organizations with scenario planning, emergency preparedness, and disaster response. These tools are designed to strengthen your ability to anticipate challenges, ensure service continuity, and build resilience in times of crisis.
Disclaimer: Some resources are created by outside entities. Please attribute content appropriately when using these materials.
Scenario Planning
- Blog: Boardsource - Scenario Planning: Rapid Planning in a Time of Rapid Change
- Toolkit: Bridgespan - Scenario Planning for Nonprofits
- Toolkit: Nonprofit Finance Fund - Nonprofit Budgeting Scenario Planning
- Template: Propel Nonprofits - Scenario Budget Planning
- Training: Candid - Risk & Reward: Safegaurding Impact in an Uncertain World
Disaster Planning
- Workbook: US Chamber of Commerce - Business Resilience Workbook
- Slides: Preparing Your Organization for Disaster Webinar (PDF)
- City of Jacksonville – Continuity of Operations Planning Guide (PDF) and Template (.doc)
- American Red Cross Ready Rating – free assessment, customized plan, and resources
- Nonprofit Coordinating Committee of New York – Disaster Planning, Emergency Preparedness & Business Continuity Guide and Template (.doc)
- San Francisco Community Agencies Responding to Disaster –
Emergency Action Plan template - Department of Homeland Security and FEMA – Disaster preparedness toolkits and guides for businesses/organizations for various types of disasters, including hurricanes, tornadoes, power outages and more, as well as exercises to help you test/evaluate your plans - Neighborworks America – Report: Disaster Preparedness and
Recovery for Community Development Organizations - TechSoup: Disaster Planning and Recovery
- Agility Recovery - Definitive Guide to Disaster Planning
- Responder & Community Resilience Resources
Helping Individuals Prepare
- American Red Cross Preparedness Guides for Individuals and Families
Local Disaster Collaboratives
Many local counties have coalitions of nonprofits, government agencies, and businesses working together to prepare for and respond to disaster. If your organization plays a role in helping individuals affected by disaster, and are not yet connected to a collaborative near you — please reach out to one or more of the below entities!