Happy New Year! What does “hybrid” mean?

We’re starting the new year off by introducing a new “hybrid” format for some of our most popular programs!  In 2022, the Nonprofit Center’s Professional Development Series, which includes Managing Successful Teams Series and the Grants and Evaluation Series, will be more accessible than ever.

What does “hybrid” mean? 

Thanks to your feedback on the Nonprofit Center’s 2022 Programming Survey, we are now offering programming “hybridly” which means there will be an option to attend our Managing Successful Teams and Grants and Evaluation Series in person as well as virtually. Please note that if interested in attending in-person you will need to select your preference during registration and there will be limited in-person tickets available due to social distancing requirements in the space. 

We are excited to reunite in person but safety is at the forefront for the Nonprofit Center. We will require masks when attending in-person events at the Nonprofit Center.

We are continuously monitoring the COVID-19 pandemic and will make healthy decisions based on case numbers.  We reserve the right to change the format of the program based on COVID-19 case rates and/or the preference of the majority of attendees. Final instructions will be sent as we get closer to the Series kick-off. 

Please check each program you are interested in to make sure it’s a format that suits your preferences best. For a full calendar visit here

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