Repositioning for Strength: The Northeast Florida Nonprofit Sector and COVID-19

Over the past several weeks, the Nonprofit Center convened members of the local nonprofit in a working group to support our community of nonprofit businesses following the initial shockwave of the coronavirus in Northeast Florida. The result is a living resource providing both practical guidance and profound learning for nonprofit businesses planning, Repositioning for Strength: The Northeast Florida Nonprofit Sector and COVID-19

The report contains three key sections:

  • Tools for nonprofit businesses
  • Examples of lessons learned and practice improvements
  •  Strategies for moving forward

 Nonprofits are influential and essential contributors to a healthy, equitable society and economy. COVID-19 has exposed and drawn attention to the inequitable foundations of many systems across our communities, and this report begins the work of defining policies and resources needed to come back stronger, more resilient and more aware of and able to address inequities. Our recommendations include strengthening nonprofit/government partnerships; prioritizing testing and PPE for community, childcare, and healthcare employees; extending the State moratorium on evictions; permanently amending tele-health regulations; critically examining nonprofit compensation, governance, restructuring, and diversity practices and policies; and using data from CARES Act and local stimulus programs to better understand the viability of cash assistance programs as a consumer choice and empowerment tool.

To read the full report and lessons learned, visit page contains resources collected from sector peers ranging from cleaning services to official guidance on applying for PPP forgiveness. 


  1. […] Series, launches this month with an update to our pandemic impact research on the local sector, Repositioning for Strength.  Join us as we share compelling insights from our survey of local philanthropies, from interviews […]

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